The love/hate relationship that is running

As most of my fellow distance runners out there I’m sure can agree, running takes its tolls. But one of the hardest things to deal with is keeping that flame alive.  How do you keep that motivation going when all the thrill and race training has left you?  Is it finding a new running route?  A new pair of sneakers?  Some new running gadget?  A new playlist?  This is why it is so important to constantly be changing your workout routine.  Suddenly when something becomes boring you obviously no longer want to do it.  Always keeping a run fresh will surely keep you motivated more, it provides you with a sense of excitement as if to say, “hey, this is new and I’ve never done this before,” or “this is very challenging, I want to continue to work to get better.”

So the next time a workout seems like just plain old boring routine, spice it up!  There is always an exciting twist that is bound to get you lacing up your sneakers and back on the trails!